
Terms & Conditions

Terms of Use and Service

  • Welcome to Goose Limited. Please refer to these terms set out on this page as they govern your access to Gooseyours.com, its software, applications or any other media. You are using this website as a guest user or registered user according to the eligibility criteria set out herein within the purview of these terms and conditions. We request you to read these terms carefully as your continuous usage of this site signifies that you are in agreement with these terms. These terms and conditions are applicable to you when you use Goose leather present or future services as well.
  • The information set in these terms constitute an electronic record under the information and communication technology act and it can be amended from time to time. This document constitutes a binding agreement between the user and the website.
  • Goose Limited operates this website. The company is incorporated under the laws of Bangladesh. The company has its registered office at

House No.01, Road No.05, Block-D

Metro Housing, Bosila

Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207

Mobile: +88 01754447276

Tel: +88 04475143898

All references to Gooseyours.com website shall be viewed as the references made to Goose Limited along with the online portal.

  • The terms mentioned herewith will apply until terminated by either you or Gooseyours.com if you do not access the website or close your account.

Use of Goose Leather Website

  • Account: You can access the website as a guest or by registering yourself as a registered user. However, guest users may not have all the benefits including special offers, promotional offers, discounts etc.; those are reserved only for registered users. To register as a user, please create an account with a valid mobile number, e-mail address, pin code and other details mentioned in the registration form.
  • After opening an account with Goose leather website, your usage of the website and maintenance of your account should be confidential and you have to ensure its protection. Which means, you will maintain confidentiality of your account and password. You will restrict unauthorized access to your account and notify immediately in case your account has been compromised. Inform us if you find that the details you provided to us when registering are not correct or have been changed. You have access to your account to update and change the information that you have provided. If we find that the information provided to us by an account holder is incomplete, inaccurate or not true and current, then based on reasonable grounds and in accordance with these terms of service, Gooseyours.com reserves the right to terminate the account, closes it or suspends the membership of the account holder.

Online E-Platform for Purchase and Communication

  • Gooseyours.com is an online portal that allows users to purchase premium leather products and goods that are listed on the website with price tags associated with the products on the website itself. Users can purchase leather goods at any time from any location. Furthermore, you agree and admit that Gooseyours.com in no way controls or be a party to the transactions taking place on the website. In accordance with this fact, the contract of sale of goods or leather products on the Gooseyours.com shall be a purely two-way contract between you and Gooseyours.com.


  • The entire contents including but not limited to text, videos, graphics, logos, trademarks, software, audios, downloadable materials, digital content, published content, compiled data, button icons, short video clips are the property of Gooseyours.com, its associates, partners or third party suppliers and they are protected by copyrights, intellectual property rights and trademark rights under the purview of Bangladesh and international copyrights, author’s rights and database rights and laws. Gooseyours.com possesses a complete and exclusive right over the compilation of whole content of the website, which is protected exclusively by Bangladesh’s, copyright and database right laws. The entire software of the company’s site and other software used on the website is the sole property of Gooseyours.com.
  • A user is not allowed to re-utilize or extract contents, and other elements of the website without express written consent of Gooseyours.com or its associates. A user is not allowed or permitted to use any sort of data retrieving, extraction, data mining, robotic and other data gathering tools either once or several times for re-utilization of fairly large parts of the website without expressed written permission of Gooseyours.com and its associates as applicable. Furthermore, the user shall not make and publish his or her own database that boasts a fairly large area of the website including the products, prices and other listings without any express written permission of the Gooseyours.com website and its affiliates.

Intellectual Property Claims

  • Gooseyours.com and its associates honour the intellectual property of its users. If any user or customer feels that his or her intellectual property rights have been misused and compromised – which means concerns of infringement have surfaced – then they should inform the matter to us.


  • All the marks portrayed on the website are the registered trademarks of Gooseyours.comor its associates collectively known as Goose Limited in Bangladesh, and its other locations and jurisdictions. Page designs, formats, graphics of the website, tradenames, service names, scripts, button icons, page headers, logos and all the other creative and graphic elements of the website are the trade dress of Goose Leather. Therefore, no one is permitted or granted any sort of special privilege to use such trade dress or trademarks in association with any service, product or e-commerce activity, which is not related to Gooseyours.com. Such acts of users are most likely to change the mindset of the users by causing bewilderment and express negative opinion about Gooseyours.com and disgrace the company. In addition, the other logos, trademarks and designs that appear on the website are the intellectual property or copyright property of respective owners. Third party sites, trademarks or logos may or may not be associated or affiliated or sponsored by Gooseyours.com


  • A user should go through the information in the website prior to using any service as it is assumed that he or she will be aware of the information given in the website. A user transacts at its own discretion to avail the products and services. Gooseyours.com expressly disclaims any liabilities arising out of any discrepancies pertaining to the representations of warranties of the products, any actions or inactions of the buyers.
  • Gooseyours.com manufactures premium quality leather products which are on par with international quality standards – and therefore, the company takes every possible measure and effort to ensure quality, safety, durability, performance, reliability, suitability and accuracy of the products. However, there might be a possibility of error in the product specification, information, description on the website. Therefore, Gooseyours.com deny any implied or expressed representations and disclaims any warranties with regard to products and services displayed, the products transacted or displayed or listed, their quality, durability, safety, performance, timeliness, completeness, reliability, accuracy, suitability, merchantability and fitness for a specific purpose – including but not restricted to product specifications, costs, product information on the website. Though Gooseyours.com takes all sorts of efforts and forethoughts to prevent inconsistencies, and inaccuracies in the content descriptions – the website including the products, services, graphics, software and the description and pricing of the products are offered as is.


  • Gooseyours.com shall not be liable or responsible for any damages or losses including but not restricted to the data loss, loss on anticipated savings, losses related to contracts, revenue loss and loss of profits or any other consequential or inconsequential, direct or indirect loss and the losses that are not capable of being anticipated to both of us from the moment you began using the website.

Indemnity and Release

  • You shall indemnify Gooseyours.com against future loss, damage or liability and do not hold Gooseyours.com, its associates, partners, subsidiaries, directors, concerned officers, consultants, employees and agents liable in the form of any claims, demands, or actions. You shall not cause any harm to the company from a claim arising from a third party or due to a penalty owing to the violations of terms and services, guidelines, rules, regulations, policies, rights of the third party or any other law or through a document incorporated by reference.
  • With specific intentions as expressed you shall free Gooseyours.com, its partners, affiliates, subsidiaries or any of its representatives from the damages, liabilities or any cost-related issues or any other consequences arising from your actions or inactions on the website and particularly discharge demands or claims that you may have in this regard under any contract or statute.

Eligibility of Use

  • Use of Gooseyours.com is to those who can legally form a binding contract (age 18 years and above) – i.e., adults can use Gooseyours.com legally. Therefore, minor and children can use Gooseyours.com only under the guidance of adults, guardian or parents. By using the website, accepting the terms and transacting, a user irrevocably declares that he or she is of legal age. If Gooseyours.com finds that the user is under age of 18 years, then the usage privilege, account and membership will be terminated.

Other Businesses

  • There might be other parties or third parties’ links in the lines or products and services offered by Gooseyours.com – which may be affiliates of Gooseyours.com operating stores, selling products or offering services through the marketplace. Furthermore, Gooseyours.com provides links to the websites of associated companies and of other businesses. However, we are not liable for evaluating or cross verifying such links and do not back or support the contents or offerings provided by them. We do not take any liability with regard to the contents, services, products and actions or any other such offerings from any other third-parties. Therefore, we request you to read, check and verify privacy policy, terms and other policies of such links prior to using them.


  • You can visit Gooseyours.com and open an account with us after registering. You have to provide your complete address for communication including your phone number and e-mail address. You must provide a valid e-mail and phone number as you mostly communicate with us through e-mail and phone. We communicate to you by phone, SMS, e-mail or by any other means of communication. You further agree and give your consent to receive promotional, transactional and commercial messages from us when you use our website and place an order on the website.

Alteration of Service or Amendments to the Conditions

  • Gooseyours.com reserves the right to amend, alter or change the terms, policies, conditions on website and its contents – which may at any time will be effective when posted on the website. The terms and conditions, the terms of use and policies that are in effect at the time of using the website will govern the use of the website and all the purchases made from the website. If any condition or term is considered as or viewed as void or invalid or unenforceable for any reason, it will be dissociated from the remaining conditions and will not affect the remaining conditions.

Events beyond our reasonable control

  • In circumstances which are not in our control, if any failure or delay arises from us, we shall not be held liable for such a failure or delay to act according to our responsibilities. The statutory rights of the users will not be affected with this term or condition.


  • Up on violations of any of these terms and conditions, if we do not take any action, then we will be qualified for a right according to the law to use our rights if a user is found to be violating our terms and conditions in any other circumstances.

Jurisdiction and Governing Law

  • The terms mentioned herewith are governed by and interpreted and comply by the laws of Bangladesh. You and we agree to submit any matter to the jurisdiction of the courts of Bangladesh.

Gooseyours.com Software Terms

  • The term software is applicable to any software that Gooseyours.com incorporates in the website with any upgrades or updates or with any other related documentation. Apart from the terms and conditions of use and sale, software terms will be made available to you on a regular basis to use Gooseyours.com website in connection with products and services.

Sanctions and Export Policy

  • A user may not be able to use Gooseyours.com website and its products and services if they are residing in a country that has enforced sanctions or sanctions that are consistent with the local governing laws imposed by the government of their country. In such cases, for using Gooseyours.com website, the user must comply with all import or export or any other relevant restrictions that may be applicable to the goods and services offered by Gooseyours.com and its affiliates.

Our Address

  • This website is operated by Goose Limited.
  • For the Gooseyours.com website, you can contact us by visiting: www.gooseyours.com/contact-us

Website Access Terms

  • To ensure comfort of usage by you, Goose Limited ascertains that the website will be available to you in an uninterrupted and error-free manner all the time – unless subjected to technical issues involved in the management of the site such as software, codes, plugins and internet. Sometimes, the site may be down or may be restricted from access. Occasionally, the site may be suspended too owing to maintenance, repairs or for addition of new features and services. This may happen without any prior notice or information to the user. However, www.gooseyours.com tries its level best to ensure that the duration of any such restriction and suspension would be as minimum as possible.

License for website access

  • To ensure the safety of our customers from the duplication of our products and services we have to ensure strict control of copyright. In agreement to your acceptance of these terms and conditions and use of www.gooseyours.com website, the company grants you access to use the website for your personal purpose, but does not allow you to download, upload, alter or modify any page or content or any portion of the website without any written permission of www.gooseyours.com website or its affiliates as may be applicable. In addition, whatever access and permission has been granted does not allow commercial use of website contents and website itself by the user. Furthermore, copying of website contents, information, photos, videos etc. with intent to benefit another company individual or seller; downloading of website trade secrets, copying information by using robots, spywares, data mining or any other data extraction and data gathering tools is restricted. Anyone found to be involved in such sorts of activities shall be liable for breaching copyrights, intellectual property rights and other rights of the website owner – and, would be implicated for legal action.
  • www.gooseyours.com website or part of this website or any other portion of this website including but not restricted to website contents, logos, trademarks, copyright materials, or any other proprietary information must not be exploited, visited with an intent to harm, copy, reproduce, rewrite, duplicate, sell, and distribute in any circumstances either for personal or commercial purposes without any written or expressed written permission of www.gooseyours.com, its subsidiaries or affiliates as may be applicable.
  • Any individual or company is not permitted or allowed to copy the logo, page format, page layout, page write ups, slogans, images, videos, or any other proprietary information by using framing techniques without expressed written permission of www.gooseyours.com website. Furthermore, you are not allowed to use any hidden text or meta tags by using www.gooseyours.com trademark or name or the names of www.gooseyours.com affiliates without any express written permission as applicable. You may be barred from using the services of www.gooseyours.com or its affiliates and your license to utilize the services would be terminated if you found to be using the website in an unauthorized manner.
  • However, www.gooseyours.com grants you a non-exclusive, restricted and revocable right to create a hyperlink to the welcome page of the website subjected to the condition that the products and services of www.gooseyours.com shall not be projected in a denigrating, false, misleading or offensive manner. However, the link that you are linking must not use www.gooseyours.com logo, design, trademark, proprietary graphical representation of the company’s trade without obtaining any written permission of www.gooseyours.com and its affiliates.

Usage of the website

  • You must use the website in accordance with the permissible limits and the terms that govern its proper usage, but not use it in any way that may impair, damage, interrupt, slowdown or harm the website. Furthermore, you agree that you are only using, accessing and communicating through the website and all its electronic modes of communications and sending the content from your computer – and you are only responsible for all sorts of communications. You agree that you will use the website only for lawful purposes.
  • You agree that you will not use www.gooseyours.com website in any offensive, unlawful manner with any sort of fraudulent intention. Under the purview of the terms of use of this website, you will not use www.gooseyours.com website for sending something that doesn’t belongs to you and that is abusive, misleading, deceptive, ethnically objectionable, menacing, obscene, libelous, defamatory, disparaging, blasphemous, harassing, indecent, sexually explicit and pornographic or which promotes hatred, racism or bigotry. The activities that are not allowed on the website are inclusive of but not limited to breaching the privacy, confidentiality, trademark, rights of the individuals, proprietary information and the ones that are harmful to others, third parties, children, minors or any other person. You are not allowed to upload any materials, data or promote something that has viruses, commercial or political campaigns or which impersonates another person, which is harmful to minors, or which is offensive or illegal or promotes gambling and money laundering; or endangers security, integrity, unity and sovereignty of Bangladesh or any other country.

Reviews, comments, communications and other content

  • www.gooseyours.com provides a provision for sending communications, content, comments, feedback, reviews, questions, ideas, suggestions on the portal provided the content is not defamatory, threatening, abusive, obscene, illegal, objectionable, infringing copyrights and intellectual proprietary rights, injurious to third parties and does not contain commercial and political campaigns, viruses, mass spam mails and chain letters.
  • If it is found that a user is using a dubious e-mail address or misleading the origin of the content in any way or impersonating any entity, group or person, then www.gooseyours.com – though not obligatorily, but reserves the right to edit, reject or remove such content at its sole discretion. Such fraudulent act may violate these terms and condition and prompt the termination of user account or use of the website.
  • If you submit content or provides it, www.gooseyours.com and its associates gets non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable and royalty-free rights which are completely sublicensable to display, distribute, translate, publish, adapt, modify, reproduce, use and make derivatives from it.
  • Www.gooseyours.com and its affiliates acquire the license to adapt and use such content throughout the world in any media by the name you provide if they want to.
  • You agree that the rights you offer are not cancellable during the complete tenure of protection of your intellectual property rights pertaining to that content or material. You further give your consent to not to be identified as the author of such content and object to the derogatory treatment of such content. Furthermore, you give your consent to carry on all additional acts mandatory to make the above rights apt to www.gooseyours.com, such as carrying out documents and deeds whenever it requests.
  • You agree that the content you post or provide on the website or by means of website is your content with all the rights and that the content is accurate and does not go against the applicable terms, guidelines and policies of www.gooseyours.com or breach any of the copyright, intellectual proprietary rights or any other rights of gooseyours.com. You agree to indemnify www.gooseyours.com and its associates for all claims against it.

Claims against objectionable content

  • Www.gooseyours.com is an online e-commerce portal wherein thousands of customers engage. The portal offers hundreds of premium leather products. Owing to which there are thousands of comments – and therefore – reviewing and correcting them all may not be possible. Therefore, www.gooseyours.com takes such activities into account on the basis of receiving notice or claims against objectionable content and acting accordingly.
  • If you come across any content that is abusive, misleading, deceptive, ethnically objectionable, menacing, obscene, libelous, defamatory, disparaging, blasphemous, harassing, indecent, sexually explicit and pornographic or which promotes hatred, racism or bigotry – and that breaches privacy, confidentiality, trademark, rights of the individuals, proprietary information and that is harmful to others, third parties, children, minors or any other person. And if you notice that someone has uploaded any materials and data or promoting something that has viruses, commercial or political campaigns or which impersonates another person, which is harmful to minors, or which is offensive or illegal or promotes gambling and money laundering; or endangers security, integrity, unity and sovereignty of Bangladesh or any other country or which is illegal and unlawful, then please notify us immediately.  www.gooseyours.com shall make all efforts to remove such objectionable content at the earliest.